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Claudio CLEMENTE – Biography (a kind of)

I was born in Fiume – once an Italian town and now part of Croatia – in the early thirties of the past century...which means that I run centenary. Naval School, officer in both Merchant and Military Navy, employed in an Air Line and finally in a multinational Company. I’m familiar with a couple of foreign languages and partially only with another pair. I’m also an almost compulsive reader, omnivore and untidy

I have studied a little bit of many disciplines; the only thing I never studied is drawing and painting. On the other hand I have started drawings very early and continued all my life long. Therefore I may say to be , in this field , an autodidact. Drawing amuses me, relaxes and allows me to daydream...and now, that I am old, even more than before.

I love the Art of creating images, in its various aspects (including cartooning and photography) and there is no artist that I dislike. Of course I have some preferences (a part the antiques , where I have no preferences) : Chagalle, Klimt, Modigliani, Morandi, Pollock ...and acouple old friends universally unknown, like me.

That’s all, practically. I have been convinced to put on line my ponderous production by the pressure of sons and friends. Thank you for your attention